Is Drunk Driving a Misdemeanor? – Misdemeanor DUI Lawyer
Is a DUI a misdemeanor? Most state DUI laws classify a “standard” drunk driving charge as a misdemeanor. The definition of “standard” can vary by state, but in general, if your blood alcohol content, or BAC level, was not above a certain excessive percentage, you did not cause bodily harm or death, and you do not have prior DUI convictions, you will be charged with a misdemeanor DUI. Do not make the painful mistake of hearing the word “misdemeanor” and thinking that the consequences of a DUI are no big deal. A misdemeanor DUI conviction can still mean jail time, loss of driver’s license, mandatory DUI classes, and heavy court fines. Way beyond these apparent DUI penalties is a host of lifelong consequences like losing your current job, decreased chances of finding a new job, restricted travel outside the United States, outrageous car insurance premiums, a harder time getting into the college of your choice, and just the stigma of having a DUI on your record. But an arrest is not a conviction™! No matter how damaging you think the police evidence is, no matter how dreadful you performed on the field sobriety tests – our top DUI lawyers have many ways to fight the police evidence in court.
DUI Misdemeanor – Misdemeanor DUI – Is DUI a Misdemeanor?
All 50 states have set a minimum BAC level of 0.08% as the legal limit for driving under the influence. This legal limit applies to non-commercial drivers over 21 years of age. For drivers under 21, the BAC legal limit is 0.02%, and for commercial CDL drivers, the limit is 0.04%. A DUI under 21 charge is very serious and can impact your right to drive for many years. Legal BAC limits will only get more restrictive as state legislatures continue to face cuts in federal funds if they don’t implement federal DUI guidelines. Prosecutors and judges have their DUI cases tracked by organizations like Mothers Against Drunk Drivers (MADD), and a low percentage of convictions can impact re-election hopes. Add to this the fact that more and more cities and states are funding special DUI task forces in addition to their regular police patrols, and you will see more and more DUI checkpoints set up to stop drunk drivers. State DUI laws change every year based on previous DUI case laws and new bills introduced, and all levels of government are very serious about reducing the annual number of drunk driving accidents and deaths. A top DUI lawyer will always be well-versed in the latest DUI court decisions and rulings and will quote these cases during your DUI trial. Your prosecutor will also know the latest rulings and will argue in front of the judge against your attorney’s pleadings.
Misdemeanor DWI – DUI Is a Misdemeanor
Misdemeanor DWI charges are filed in states that have Driving While Intoxicated laws. These DWI misdemeanor charges are no less severe than misdemeanor DUIs, but each state has slightly different DWI penalties. That is why you must contact a local DWI lawyer near you who is a veteran scholar of your state’s DWI laws, and who will build the most successful DWI defense with the greatest chance of a favorable outcome. Through decades of vigorous DWI defense, our best DWI attorneys steadfastly remain unintimidated by even the worst arrest circumstances, and what would seem an easy conviction for the prosecution. Please do not walk into court and plead guilty to a misdemeanor DWI without first talking to us. Your first consultation is FREE, and also we will send you a PDF copy of our 430-page “The DUI Book,” an easy-to-understand client manual on what to expect during every phase of your DUI case.
More DUI Criminal Offense Resources
We have more information about DUI criminal offenses. Learn more by reading some of our in-depth articles below:
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