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Georgia DUI Penalties: 1st Through 4th DUI

Penalties Under Georgia DUI Laws: 1st Through 4th Offenses

Georgia DUI penalties are some of the most severe in the country. They are so harsh that the drunk driving laws in Georgia have been called some of the toughest in the nation, with Arizona being the toughest. This driving crime is different because it leads to a permanent criminal record. This record can never be pardoned or expunged.

If you are convicted of DUI in Georgia for alcohol or drugs, the consequences are permanent. Your record can never be erased or “aged off.” If you have multiple DUI offenses within a 10-year period, the penalties will become more severe with each incident. This means that your record can never be erased or “aged off.” If you have multiple DUI offenses within a 10-year period, the penalties will become more severe with each incident.

Under DUI laws in Georgia, mandatory jail time, fines plus surcharges, community service hours, and an unavoidable license suspension or revocation are all potential outcomes of any DUI conviction in Georgia. The intent behind these escalating penalties is to discourage instances of repeat impaired driving and thereby promote public safety.

What Is the Legal Alcohol Limit in GA?

The answer to this common question is “it depends.” Like all other states, there is not just ONE DUI limit in Georgia.

For adult aged drivers who are ages 21 and older, the adult legal limit is 0.08 grams percent. All drivers behind the wheel of a CMV (commercial motor vehicle) are held to a lower BAC of 0.04 grams %. Drivers under age 21 are deemed to be over the legal limit at 0.02 grams per cent.

Georgia’s drunk driving laws have penalties for both alcohol and drug DUI offenses. These penalties can include treatment programs, community service, and a lot of hours of work.

If someone breaks GA DUI laws multiple times within 10 years, they will face harsher penalties if found guilty. These harsh consequences justify the cost of hiring the best DUI attorneys near me in the Peach State.

DUI Penalties in Georgia

If someone gets a second DUI within five years of their first one, they will face increased fines and jail time. In Georgia, a second DUI within five years leads to a very harsh driver’s license suspension.

If someone gets a second DUI within five years of their first one, they will face increased fines and jail time. In Georgia, a second DUI within five years leads to a harsh driver’s license suspension.

A third DUI arrest occurring within ten years of the first mandates even tougher consequences which might include prolonged sentences in a jail or prison along with steep monetary penalties. Those who encounter fourth or future convictions can expect extremely stern measures such as facing felony charges leading to extensive terms in prison, up to 480 hours of community service, plus drawn-out probation durations.

Many clients want to know “is a DUI a misdemeanor?” The answer to that question always will be “yes,” unless it is a felony. It is important to know that over 90% of all DUI-DWI arrests are for being under the influence of alcohol.

How Can A DUI Misdemeanor Result in Felony Charges?

This article also explains “when is DUI a felony?” In addition, the DUI Georgia law is one of 6 serious traffic crimes for which serious felony crimes may be “supported by” harsh felony penalties (15 years in state prison) when a person dies or is seriously injured or in which a pregnant mother’s fetus dies, due to a DUI-related crash of an at-fault DUI motorist.

In addition, it will lay out scenarios under which a first offence DUI can be the serious misdemeanor “predicate” driving offense that Georgia laws allow to support related felony serious injury by vehicle, homicide by vehicle or feticide by vehicle felonies.

Understanding how punitive actions intensify is crucial for drivers to recognize the gravity that Georgia’s legal framework places on deterring occurrences involving intoxicated operation of vehicles through its strict regulations matched with consequential chastisements embodying the severity linked with such infractions.

What About Underage DUI Offenders?

When the GA zero tolerance law was enacted, this was done under pressure from NHTSA, the federal agency under the Department of Transportation that oversees highway safety advancements. Georgia legislators passed its version of the laws (applicable to any driver under age 21) arrested for drug impaired driving or driving while intoxicated.

DUI infographic

What is Georgia’s zero tolerance law? Under Georgia DUI laws, zero tolerance for these young motorists is set at 0.02 grams percent, due to the Legislature’s awareness that (for forensic breath testing of an arrested person after a DUI arrest) two different exhalations must “match” each other within a tolerance of 0.02 grams %.

For a DUI per se for being over the under legal limit, both exhalations captured would have to be at 0.020 grams per cent or higher. This legal limit in GA for these drivers under the age of 21 will also bring a full year of no driving privileges for that young driver, if convicted.

Interestingly, this 0.02 gr. % zero tolerance law Georgia standard enacted is the predominant statutory “standard” for other states, too. Georgia is one of 39 states using this type of law, with 2 states (CA and NJ) using 0.01 grams % for their “zero tolerance” and the remainder (e.g., Maine and Utah) enacting a 0.00 gr. % statute for their blood alcohol concentration (BAC) in these states.

The chart shown below is one created by the founder of, William C. Head. This gives a quick overview, but the written text that follows provides important additional details.

First DUI Offense Penalties, If Convicted

In Georgia, the consequences of a first DUI conviction of DUI laws GA are designed to impress upon that driver the seriousness of driving under the influence. Those facing their first conviction can expect:

  • A minimum jail term (which could be imposed to last up to one year in jail) but a minimum of 24 hours in jail, when the person’s BAC level was 0.08 grams % or higher.
  • Monetary penalties between $300 and $1,000 (plus hefty surcharges that almost double the fine amount). The presiding Judge has discretion to impose any amount within that range.
  • A one-year suspension of that driver’s license immediately (in court), where the court clerk will be confiscating the plastic license and sending it to Georgia DDS. Adult age Georgia residents can obtain a limited driving permit for the first 120 days, and then early reinstate if she or he completes the 20 hour Risk Reduction Program (Georgia’s 20-hour DUI school). However, these drivers will only allow the person to use one vehicle with an ignition interlock device in place for at least a full year.

Offenders must complete at least 40 hours of community service. For any 1st offense underage drivers, that number of hours can be 20 hours, at a minimum.

The Mug Shot Photo Publication Penalty. These stringent measures reflect Georgia’s dedication to preventing violations by emphasizing the gravity associated with a first-time DUI transgression. Any subsequent convictions within ten years of that 1st offense DUI cause very harsh penalties, including a unique law by which the offender’s mug shot and report of the sentencing of that conviction are published in the local newspaper to tell all about these new offenses.

Second (2nd) DUI Conviction Penalties

In Georgia, the repercussions for a second DUI conviction within a five-year span are notably more severe. All individuals convicted of a 2nd DUI in Georgia within 10 years (using dates of arrest to measure) are required to serve at least 72 hours in jail but may be sentenced to as much as 12 months behind bars, with credit given for any jail time on the day of their arrest.

If the conviction is for a second in five years (using dates of arrest) these drivers suffer a painful 3-year suspension, with no chance of any interlock restricted privileges for the first 120 days. They also face financial penalties between $600 and $1,000 in fines along with extra court-imposed fees called “surcharges.”

Those who receive a 2nd DUI must also fulfill at least 30 days of community service. They are obligated to undergo an assessment for substance abuse issues and follow through with any suggested treatment plans, demonstrating the state’s commitment to tackling the root causes of impaired driving behavior.

Third DUI Conviction Penalties

In Georgia, when someone is convicted of a DUI for the third time, they face substantially increased consequences. These include:

  • Serving at least 15 days behind bars
  • Paying fines between $1,000 and $5,000
  • Completing a mandatory 240 hours (30 days) of community service
  • Mandatory participation in DUI school
  • A requirement to undergo clinical evaluation followed by adherence to any suggested treatment protocols

If this third violation occurs within a five-year period from prior offenses, it activates Penalties like public disclosure of one’s conviction notice and photograph. These persons are required to surrender their vehicle license plates and could be identified as habitual offenders.

When is a DUI felony in Georgia? If all three convictions occur within a ten years’ time frame of that DUI 1st offense, much more punitive consequences will follow. That individual faces felony charges — underlining Georgia’s serious approach towards repeat DUI offenders.

Fourth or Subsequent DUI Conviction Penalties

In Georgia, if you are convicted of a fourth DUI, it is deemed a felony offense and carries with it incarceration time ranging from one year to five years in state prison or a jail. The financial repercussions for this serious violation fall between $1,000 and $5,000 in fines, plus surcharges being added to the fine amount. The convict must undergo five years of supervised probation.

This strict approach taken by the state emphasizes its dedication to preventing recidivism and maintaining safety within the community. By elevating a fourth or any subsequent DUI conviction to felony status, Georgia clearly conveys the grave implications associated with such criminal behavior and enforces stringent punitive measures accordingly.

Hiring Top-Rated Legal Counsel is a MUST

Our lawyers in Atlanta, who bring a combined 90 years of experience in criminal defense lawyer litigation in DUI cases, include former law enforcement officer Cory Yager, can provide valuable legal services such as:

  • We helped our client avoid a complete suspension of their driving privileges after a DUI-related incident. WARNING: You need to act within 30 days of being arrested. Contact our criminal defense attorneys at 1-888-8DWI-DUI or 1-888-839-4384 immediately to try to save your ability to keep driving.
  • Preparing specific pre-trial motions (and submitting them prior to the court’s deadline) with the objective being to either completely dismiss the DUI case, or to request the exclusion of certain evidence (e.g., the roadside sobriety evaluations, or potentially the “refusal to be tested” evidence) from future court proceedings.
Georgia DUI Penalties
  • We will talk to the client about possibly having the DUI charge reduced, if the circumstances (and court location) are possibly amenable. Typically, these decreases in the type of criminal offense might be grounded on the video proof and detention documents the prosecuting agency has provided to us.
  • Offering understanding about your particular court judges and prosecutors and assisting clients in getting acquainted with important filing deadlines and the legal procedures needed to protect driving privileges.
  • Struggling with all possible resources and bargaining methods to achieve the best possible outcome for those charged with DUI, with the goal of dodging a trial.
  • Our legal warriors in metro Atlanta can also handle probation revocations for GA DUI or other types of convictions.

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Our three legal book co-authors from Georgia wrote the top book on DUI Trial Practice in the Peach State. Clients benefit from hiring the Georgia DUI lawyers who wrote the first and undisputed best-known treatise on DUI crimes in Georgia.

Professionals are crucial for DUI cases due to their complexity and the need for expert criminal defense. DUI lawyers have expertise in legal and scientific aspects to achieve successful outcomes in DUI cases.

Our DUI lawyers near me (on this national website) are well-versed in the various laws and regulations surrounding DUI offenses, as well as the potential consequences that individuals may face if convicted. Additionally, their expertise allows them to effectively analyze evidence, negotiate with prosecutors, and advocate on behalf of their clients in court.

Their knowledge from researching and writing this book is important for people dealing with DUI charges. They promise to leave no stone unturned in finding a solution for the case. Their legal team will provide the best representation and guidance during the legal process.

More Information About Georgia DUI Penalties

If you’d like to learn more about Georgia DUI penalties or DUI laws in Georgia, read some of our informative articles below. We explore many different areas of Georgia’s DUI laws so that we can answer any questions you may have.