Even the best DUI-DWI specialists are not magicians. The most experienced DUI-DWI attorney can only portray the best aspects of your case, setting forth the facts and the opinions of expert witnesses in a way that puts your case in the best possible light for the jury.
Likewise, any negative factors in your case will be highlighted by the prosecutor for the jury. Any statements you made on your arrest video or as noted by the officer in his or her report will be the subject of much attention, as will your performance on any field sobriety tests.
Your DUI attorney is not in charge of all aspects of your case. The prosecutor has much to do with the timing of hearings, the scheduling of any trial, deciding upon charges to bring you and similar matters. The prosecutor also decides when to agree to a non-DUI-DWI recommendation and will recommend any penalties you may face.
Last, the court system is set up for the convenience of the court, not for you or your criminal attorney. It is not unusual for hundreds of cases to be scheduled for the same day as your arraignment, for thirty or more cases scheduled for the same week as your trial or motion hearing. This “overbooking” is commonly utilized in the event that some cases cancel, settle or are not ready to proceed. It keeps the court busy, even if you are forced to sit around and wait your turn, or are asked to come back another week or month because they did not reach your case this time.
Neither your schedule nor your attorney’s schedule is of much concern to the court.
You know the importance of the charges you face and how they will affect your life. You need to evaluate your financial situation and what fees and costs you can afford. After listening to your side of the story, and investigating the facts and the evidence for and against you, your attorney can inform you as to what you realistically face as far as likely punishment. Your attorney will also explain the fees and estimated costs of the case. He or she may give you news or opinions that you do not want to hear. Sometimes, no technicalities exist to terminate the charges, and the facts and evidence against you are unfavorable.
When you meet with your attorney, be prepared to hear the unvarnished truth.