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Common Contraband Drugs In DUI Drugs Cases

What Are The Most Common Illegal Drugs In DUI / DWI / OUI / OWI-Drugs Cases?


Slang/Street Name(s) coke, snow, nose candy, dust, white lady, tootFACT:  In 2001, researchers at the Intramural Research Program of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) have found that craving for cocaine seems to increase, rather than decrease, in the days and months after drug use has stopped.  “This phenomenon helps explain why addiction is a chronic, relapsing disease,” says NIDA Director Dr. Alan I. Leshner.

Freebase Cocaine



[benzoylmethyl ecognine] [1R-(exo,exo)]-3-(Benzoyloxy)- 8-methyl-8-azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-2-carboxylic acid methyl esterC17H21NO4

Rock Cocaine

LEGAL STATUS Contraband; however, liquid suspensions containing cocaine can be used for eye surgery, nasal surgery, if physician has DEA permit.  Schedule II stimulant.  Cocaine in suspension solutions works well as an anesthetic, and is used in many nations for this limited medicinal purpose.  High addiction propensity.

Powder Cocaine, being “cut


Slang/Street Name(s) pot, dope, grass, weed, mary jane, doobie, bud, ganja, hashish, hash, bhang, marihuanaFACT:  During President Clinton’s administration, a total of 3,470,545 Americans were arrested for marijuana offenses, with a high year of 682,885 marijuana arrests in 1998.  In 2000, over 770,000 arrests were made, so the Bush Administration seems bent on outdoing the prior Administration.



FACT: Great Britain recently passed legislation to lower punishment for simple possession from a Class B offense to a Class C offense (not an arrestable offense). In Spain and Belgium citizens are allowed to grow plants for personal use. In Germany possession is tolerated, and a number of shops sell cannabis under the counter. In Switzerland they’ll sell you hemp, as long as you pretend you want it for potpourri. In Holland cannabis smoking has been tolerated since 1976.

Hash Oil

Interesting article on Amsterdam’s perspective

Scientific/Legal Name

Marijuana / Cannabis

[Delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol is the primary psychoactive component, among several cannabinoids]C21H30O2

LEGAL STATUS Contraband in the United States, although has been proven to be a very useful drug for treatment of cancer patients suffering from nausea.  Oregon is fighting the federal government to be able to have doctors prescribe it.  In an awakening over the past decade or so, several states have decriminalized the possession of small quantities (under 1/2 – 1 ounce) clearly for personal use.  Many jurisdictions now punish this with a fine rather than jail time (at least for a first offense).  Legal in Amsterdam & several other countries.  While cannabis and marijuana are Schedule I, Marinol (synthetic cannabis) is classified as Schedule III.


Slang/Street Name(s) freebase cocaine, rock, crack
Scientific/Legal Name

Crack Cocaine

[volatilized alkaloidal cocaine, made up of benzoylmethyl ecognine, baking soda and water]C17H21NO4

LEGAL STATUS As with powdered cocaine, contraband. No known medicinal uses.  Strictly a drug of abuse.  The rise in crack users occurred after the decline in freebase cocaine use following Richard Pryor’s self-immolation due to an ether-based fire.  More harshly punished than regular cocaine in many jurisdictions. Schedule II stimulant.


Slang/Street Name(s) psychedelic amphetamine, ecstasy, X, XTC, E, M, adam, bean, roll
Scientific/Legal Name


{3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methamphetamine (MDMA)}

LEGAL STATUS MDMA is illegal in the United States (Schedule I) and in most other countries.  It is also listed as Schedule I in the International Convention on Psychotropic Substances, an international drug control treaty.


Slang/Street Name(s) dope, junk, smack
Scientific/Legal Name



LEGAL STATUS Contraband. Schedule I Narcotic.  An opiate drug. No legal uses. “Our data suggest that ethanol enhances the acute toxicity of heroin, and that ethanol use indirectly influences fatal overdose through its association with infrequent (non-addictive) heroin use and thus with reduced tolerance to he acute toxic effects of heroin.” [Ruttenber, A. J. and Luke, J. L., “Heroin-Related Deaths: New Epidemiologic Insights,” Science, Vol 226, Oct 5, 1984, pp 14-20].


Slang/Street Name(s) Acid, ‘Cid, Sid, Bart Simpsons, barrels, tabs, blotter, heavenly blue, “L”, liquid, liquid A, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, microdots, mind detergent, orange cubes, orange micro, Owsley, hits, paper acid, sacrament, Sandoz, sugar, sugar lumps, sunshine, tabs, ticket, twenty-five, wedding bells, windowpane.  [Many of these terms refer to the method of ˜delivery’ (how taken into the body), i.e., “blotter” or “sugar cubes”.  Often the local names will refer to patterns printed on the blotter, e.g., “blue unicorn”.]

Scientific/Legal Name Chemical Name: D-lysergic acid diethylamide; LSD; LSD-25; lysergsaure diethylamid lysergic acid diethylamide-25Chemical Formula: C20H25N3O
LEGAL STATUS d-lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) is a synthetic chemical derived from ergot alkaloids which are produced by the ergot fungus which grows on rye.A white, odorless powder usually taken orally, its effects are highly variable and begin within one hour and generally last 8-12 hours, gradually tapering off.  In the beginning stages of onset, LSD is likely to cause a sort of inexplicable feeling similar to anticipation or anxiety. Users report a slight feeling of energy in the body, may notice an extra twinkle to lights, or the feeling that things are somehow different than usual. As the effects become stronger, a wide variety of perceptual changes may occur; non-specific mental and physical stimulation, pupil dilation, closed and open eye patterning and visuals, changed thought patterns, feelings of insight, confusion, or paranoia, and quickly changing emotions (happiness, fear, giddiness, anxiety, anger, joy, irritation)


Slang/Street Name(s) Rohypnol,  “rophies,” “roofies,” “roach,” “rope,” and the “date rape” drug
Scientific/Legal Name



LEGAL STATUS Schedule IV.  Rohypnol is a benzodiazepine anxiolytic and hypnotic. Commonly known as a leading date rape drug, its use in the United States is closely guarded and monitored.  New legislation in 2000 added severe jail penalties for use of the drug to sedate victims for purposes of assault.


Slang/Street Name(s) GHB

, G, “liquid ecstasy,” “somatomax,” “scoop,” or “grievous bodily harm.”

Scientific/Legal Name Gamma hydroxybutyrate(NaGHB, KGHB). Upon ingestion, precursor chemical GBL (Gamma butyrlactone) is immediately metabolized by the liver into GHB, often causing deep sedation and risk of death. Products containing GBL, such as Blue Nitro have been listed as Schedule I drugs, and banned in the USA and Canada. However, GHB is a Schedule III drug in Canada. See this interesting link about GBL being a common ingredient in food:
LEGAL STATUS The predominant effects of GHB are sedative, though GHB can produce a wide range of pharmacological effects depending on the dose. A serious central nervous system (CNS) depressant.  At lower doses GHB can relieve anxiety and produce relaxation. However, as the dose increases, the sedative effects result in sleep and eventual coma or death.  Coma and seizures can occur following abuse of GHB and, when combined with methamphetamine, there appears to be an increased risk of seizure. Combining use with other drugs such as alcohol can result in nausea and difficulty breathing. GHB may also produce withdrawal effects, including insomnia, anxiety, tremors, and sweating.  Because of concern about Rohypnol, GHB, and other similarly abused sedative-hypnotics, Congress passed the “Drug-Induced Rape Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996” in October 1996. This legislation increased Federal penalties for use of any controlled substance to aid in sexual assault.  GHB is Schedule I and Schedule III:
In another bizarre twist of US Drug Law, GHB was declared both a Schedule I drug (no medical use, high potential for abuse) and a Schedule III drug (accepted medical use, lower potential for abuse). The law made an exception for a New Drug Application to the FDA by the company Orphan Pharmaceuticals under the generic name of Sodium Oxybate for use in treating certain types of narcolepsy and sleep disorders.


Slang/Street Name(s) Ketamine
Scientific/Legal Name 2-(2-Chlorophenyl)-2-(methylamino)- cyclohexanone(C13H16CINO)
LEGAL STATUS Ketamine is a rapid-acting general anesthetic. It has sedative-hypnotic, analgesic, and hallucinogenic properties and is marketed in the United States and a number of foreign countries for use as a general anesthetic in both human and veterinary medical practice. Ketamine is similar to phencyclidine (PCP), although ketamine is more rapid in onset and is less potent. A central nervous system (CNS) depressant. It is called “dissociative” in action, which means that the mind is “separated” from the body.  Schedule III; but DEA permit required.


Slang/Street Name(s) PCP

“angel dust,” “ozone,” “wack,” and “rocket fuel.” When mixed with marijuana, called “killer joints” and “crystal supergrass”.

Scientific/Legal Name phencyclidine
LEGAL STATUS Schedule I; banned in the USA and most other countries.   PCP (phencyclidine) was developed in the 1950s as an intravenous anesthetic. Use of PCP in humans was discontinued in 1965, because it was found that patients often became agitated, delusional, and irrational while recovering from its anesthetic effects.


Slang/Street Name(s) Meth; speed, ice, crank, glass, uppers, yaba, shabu shabu
Scientific/Legal Name methamphetamine;4-methyl-2, 5-dimethoxyamphetamine
LEGAL STATUS Schedule II.  Meth-amphetamine is a synthetic stimulant commonly used as a recreational drug. It is legally prescribed as a treatment for ADD under the brand name Desoxyn, for both children and adults.  Methamphetamine use generally increases the heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and rate of breathing of the user. Chronic use can lead to what is called ‘Amphetamine Psychosis’, resulting in paranoia, auditory and visual hallucinations, self-absorption, irritability, aggressive and erratic behavior, and picking at the skin. This can be magnified by lack of sleep that often accompanies heavy use of meth.


Slang/Street Name(s) Crystal Meth; Ice
Scientific/Legal Name crystal methamphetamine
LEGAL STATUS Schedule II.  Crystal meth “Crystal Meth” or “Ice” refer to methamphetamine grown into crystals.  Though many people believe that Crystal Meth is the freebase form of meth-amphetamie HCl, this is not true.  This form of meth is often smoked, and is highly addictive and dangerous.


Slang/Street Name(s) Inhalants – Inhalants are a chemically diverse group of psychoactive substances composed of organic solvents and volatile substances commonly found in more than 1,000 common household products, such as glues, hair spray, air fresheners, lighter fluid, and paint products. While not regulated under the Controlled Substances Act, many states have placed restrictions on the sale of these products to minors.  These chemicals, such as methyl ethyl ketone, toluene and butane, CAUSE brain damage, loss of consciousness, nausea and death—often with the first use.
Scientific/Legal Name VOLATILE SOLVENTS: Gasoline, Butane, Propane, Acetone, Ether, Chloroform, Mineral Spirits. Solvent Products: Nail Polish Remover, Lighter Fluid, Paint Thinner, Airplane Glue, Cleaning Products, Dry Cleaning Fluids, Art Solvents, Correction Fluid, Felt-tip Markers, Electronic Contact Cleaners, Rubber Cement GASES: Freon, Helium, Xenon, Nitrous Oxide, Halothane.Aerosol Products: Computer Duster, Hair Spray, Deodorant Spray, Spray Paint, Cooking Sprays, Spray Cleaners, Fabric Protector, Spray Shoe Polish, Carburetor Cleaners ANESTHETICS: Nitrous Oxide, Ether, Halothane, Chloroform. Anesthetic Products: Whipped Cream Dispensors NITRITES: Amyl Nitrite, Butyl Nitrite, Cyclohexyl Nitrite, Poppers, Room De-odorizers such as Locker Room, Rush, Bolt, Climax
LEGAL STATUS Erowid, a top independent web site for information on drugs and substances of abuse, pulls no punches in warning persons to NOT use inhalants: There is no such thing as safe use of volatile solvents, aerosols and other street inhalants: their psychoactive effects are inseparable from nerve and organ damage. Another top researcher (pharmacologist) gives an even more haunting picture of inhalants: The key points to instill are:1. Inhalants are different from other drugs. 2. Inhalants rank number 4 in popularity for use (by young people)3. Inhalants cause the most body damage when compared to all the other drugs. 4. Inhalants may kill the first time when used. –Tom Kaye R.Ph., 1-918-455-9450.


More DUI Drugs Resources

If you’d like to learn more about DUI for illegal drugs, take a look at some of our comprehensive articles on the subject below: